When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required. Luke 12:48


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3 May 2012


At times GOD  doesn't give us what we need because at times we aren't ready to receive what we think we can handle.  Most Christians don't want to go through the process of maturity. An immature person will always waste what is  released or even not realize the value of what is released to them.

Paul talks to the Christians in Corinth in 1 Corinthians 12 about spiritual gifts. He tells them that spiritual gifts are given by grace. Grace in this case would mean that the spiritual gifts are given to us not because they are supposed to but to serve the people in accordance to his will. 
A baby will always be in napkins. The napkin in this case symbolizes the state this baby is in,but when the child grows then its expected of that child to become uncomfortable in the napkins and if they are not then it will signal that something is wrong.

Maturity is what determines the Grace in the spiritual gifts given to us as  followers of Christ. While we mature we also grow in grace for this is the desire of the almighty GOD.
Theres are big difference between are Christian who prays and the Christian who doesn't,theres also are difference between a Christian who reads the word of GOD and the one who doesn't, the difference here would be maturity.

The question we should be asking ourselves is, what are we doing to grow in faith or in the grace given to us by our LORD.

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