When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required. Luke 12:48


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14 May 2012


It was on the 14th of May 2012 @ around mid day when a group of youths converged (3 males & a female). the location was kampala at on a busy street called Nasser in a building named Conrad plaza. The purpose of the meeting was and is Christ , These dynamic youth had met for a fellowship the first of its kind in this building .
All of them except one are students in the institution known as APTECH computer Education, the fourth person is a technician in the same institute.What happened here was the beginning of a chain of great events that the Lord had in store for the generation and generations to come, its clear beyond doubt that this meeting was carefully orchestrated by the Divine Director (God), because these youth come from different backgrounds but Christ the solid Rock is the Ground upon which they currently stand. 
The meeting began by a word of prayer led by one of the vision bearers called Ronnie the purpose here was that God had brought them together to start fellowshiping and spreading His Love in this institution plus keep the light shinning (Christ). thus after much consultation , testimonies and consideration Holy Spirit took over and the vision for these meetings was decided it will be "Keep the Light Shinning(Christ)".
Forward to the current Uwezo wa kipaji is asking you kindly may you please make it your prayer point this week to pray for this move of God that has began at this location of Africa in Uganda,because we are convinced that the lord is doing great wonders so let us combine our faith as recomended by scripture that when 2 or more are together in Faith then the Lord is surely among them.
This is a request that Uwezio wa Kipaji is making to all who like this page and all who are involved be blessed

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