When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required. Luke 12:48


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9 Apr 2012


Life without JESUS is meaningless,meaningless it seems in life when we don't have basics i.e food,shelter,clothing. Without him life has no meaning on earth,we tend to to play to our own tune,tune tends to play to our tune.

life inside of us has no meaning if the true meaning of him is not known. known to us is just our imagination ,imagination that reflects who we are,his imagination is beyond our imagination ,his thoughts for us are those of joy,love,sacrifice.

Nothing not even something can come between his love for mankind. Anything to him is nothing,nothing is something, the tomb had nothing but meant something to mankind,he has no substitute and we cant escape reality,his will for us is more important than we can imagine. Salvation is his most precious gift for you and i.

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