When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required. Luke 12:48


Videos,Journals,Bible verses,Gospel events

30 Nov 2012


The Vault.... 16.12.12

The Vault is a bi-monthly Hip Hop Event like no other!
We have all your favorite Music, Deejays, Artists and Poets under one roof. [Oh, wait...its a roof top party...so no roofs!! hehe]

Come enjoy The Food, Fun, Music, Friends and this time we have some BBQ [Barbeque]

The 2nd edition of the Vault dubbed "the Roof Top Party Edition" will happen on the 16TH DECEMBER 2012 at the ABONDOZ RESTAURANT ROOF TOP,at the Luther Plaza, Nyerere rd,along Uhuru highway opposite St. Andrews Church Nairobi.

The event kicks off at exactly 2PM TILL 8PM [the extended Version] so it will be great if we all kept time.

On the decks we will have some of the Illest young, Kenyan and saved Deejays, we Got the Vault's official Deejay, Ken tha Deejay backed by one of Kenya's greatest Hip Hop Deejays, Deejay Gee Gee who is also part of the Tri Crew. n X-hoods entertainment Deejay Priesty.

On Stage we will have some of your favorite artist favorite artists, we talking of Veteran Poet NUMBER 8, SIGNATURE, TREBLE, B4C, G-CHO PEVU, ALEX [NEWNIQUE],TIO [Break Out Artist] and Multiple Award winner HOLY DAVE who will be the Focus Artists of the day, get to know more about him, his vision, music n future plans, u even get to ask him question.[how cool is dat??] :)

Our MC for the day will be non other than the one and only OTHOLE.

Come hungry coz the VAULT CAFE will be open for business grab yourself a Hotdog, samosa, Chapati, Kebab, Soda or even a cool glass of fresh Juices in different flavors [Passion, Pineapple, Mango and Cocktail]

Check out our MENU below:

1. Hotdog - 60 bob
2. Samosa - 20 bob
3. Soda - 40 bob
4. Chapati - 20 bob
5. Kebab - 40 bob
6. Fruit Juice [Passion, pineapple, Mango, Cocktail] 40 bob


Charges for this event is only 200 BOB, get Ur ADVANCE tickets at the Xtreme Videos shop and at the Abondoz Restaurant to avoid the line at the door.

you can also BUY your ticket via M-pesa on the service we call M-Vaulting on the following number 0710 964 626

This is how it works, send your money via M-pesa to the above number [Zack] and you will be sent your ticket number, on the event day come with your ID at the door and you collect your ticket.

Dress code:keep it simple, funkie and sunny.

#Team Vault
Fueled by Favor.

Join the event page here: http://www.facebook.com/events/195697570555344/?context=create

Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/thevault254

Like our page: http://www.facebook.com/theVault254

22 Nov 2012

Matt Redman 10,000 Reasons Bless the Lord

Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning
It's time to sing Your song again
Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes

Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

You're rich in love, and You're slow to anger
Your name is great, and Your heart is kind
For all Your goodness I will keep on singing
Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find

Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

And on that day when my strength is failing
The end draws near and my time has come
Still my soul will sing Your praise unending
Ten thousand years and then forevermore

[Chorus x2]
Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

Jesus, I'll worship Your holy name
Lord, I'll worship Your holy name

Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name
Jesus, I'll worship Your holy name
I'll worship Your holy name

21 Nov 2012


VENUE: Charter Hall
DATES:19th-23rd Nov.
THEME:Year of Governance And Establishment-Isiah 43:2a

30 Oct 2012

10% talent and 90%

A person with 10% talent and 90% belief in what the talent can do accomplishes alot more that a man with 90% talent and 10% belief in what that talent can achieve. 

David only had a stone and a sling but the level of belief he had was way up in the sky in the end he slayed a giant, trained, professional soldier. So believe in the little you have at your disposal and you will accomplish alot.

2 Oct 2012


Kenya's Christian HipHop Joint. A bi-monthly Hiphop Event like no other! we have all ur favourite Music, Deejays, Artists and Poets under one roof.

The aim of the event is to create a platform that exposes and promotes hip hop talent in the country, especially in the Gospel music industry. This is because the genre doesn't enjoy the kind of support it so much needs.

"We found out that some very talented Kenyan MCs end up giving up on their dreams after being 'frustrated' by the industry," says one of the organizers. The launch will feature some of the best artistes in the gospel hip hop industry.

Some of the artistes performing on that day will be S.P.A.T (Allan T and St. P), Kelele Takatifu, Maluda, H3, Nasara, Dan-gee among other hip hop heavyweights. Entry to The Vault is Kshs. 200. The main artiste in the inaugural show is Kelele Takatifu.

For tickets... you have three awesome options... 1. at the kenya national achirves, 2. Extreme Video shop, hazina towers. 3. holla our Ticket Hotline 0710964626.

The Vault wouldn't want u to miss out on the event jst coz u r unable to get a ticket on time..so we introduce to u "M-VAULTING" service.

How this works is by u sending ur 200 bob for the ticket to our ticko hotline number (0710964626) Then on the event day u will get ur ticket n COMPLEMENTARY drink waiting for u at the door!...

Easy as ABC, remember to keep the mpesa reply message just in case.

The Vault care...Keep Vaulting!



There are four biblical numbers in the Bible that denote completion or perfection. Three, seven, ten, and twelve all mean completion and perfection. While each number represents completion or perfection, it is a different type of completion or perfection. Three means “divine perfection.” Seven means “spiritual perfection.” 

Twelve means “governmental perfection.” That’s why there are twelve people on a jury. Ten is the number of perfection or completion of God’s “divine order.” It is the only one of the perfect biblical numbers in which humans have a part. We cannot be part of the three, seven, or twelve. We are definitely part of the ten since it is the number of completion based on God’s order AND human responsibility. 

The number ten is built into our very anatomy. For instance, we have ten fingers to do God’s work and ten toes to walk upright before God.
Why only Ten Commandments in the Old Testament? Why not fifteen or twenty? The Ten Commandments contain all that is necessary, and no more than is necessary, both as to their number and their order. They are examples of God’s order and man’s responsibility. 

We cannot aspire to divine perfection on our own. We cannot aspire to spiritual perfection on our own. We cannot attain governmental perfection without God. We can honor God’s covenant according to His order and our responsibility. Hope you loved these biblical numbers.

The first five concern our relationship with God. The last five concern our relationships with other humans. The number ten is the start of a whole new order of numbers and the completion of the single digit numbers that come before it. Our responsibility in stewardship is to give God ten percent of our first fruits because the tithes represent the whole of what is due from man to God’ based on His claim on the whole.

The tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the yod, which means a deed or work. Because ten is also the number of the law, as seen in the Ten Commandments, the yod became a symbol of “the works of the law” (Rom. 3:20). 

The meaning of the number ten is based upon the divine law, because as Revelation 20:12 and 13 say, all will be judged “according to their deeds.” 

The tenth time Noah’s name is mentioned is in Gen. 6:13, where God said, Then God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence 
because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth.” 

This speaks of judgment by the divine law in Noah’s day, because the people had rejected Noah’s message—that is, the message of the Comforter (Menachem). 

The tenth time Isaac is mentioned is in Gen. 22:3, where we see his father taking him to Mount Moriah. This pictures the great sacrifice of Christ on the cross, where the law’s judgment fell upon the only-begotten Son of God, who paid the 
penalty for our sin and rebellion.

25 Sept 2012


Church to Church , Temple to Temple ,Soul to Soul.....4REIGN WORSHIP XP CHURCH TOUR!! starts Sept 23*til DEC. This is what this event is all about all for the glory of the most high God.

Uganda is ready for a moment of revival and a worship experience.The synergy band is on the tour and for those in Kampala this is an opportunity to tune your hearts to our lord,be there.

22 Sept 2012


This years Africa lets worship service was held at CITAM Karen (NPC Karen) on the 21st of September,2012 from 9.00 pm to 6.00 am.
The 8th edition was an improved process, bigger team and definitely a grand event and for the first time in 8years AFLEWO Tanzania participated in the event.

AFLEWO, an acronym for Africa Let’s Worship, is an annual interdenominational All-Night Worship project. People from all walks of life congregate without any barriers, lifting one voice in worship and in reverence to God. It is an initiative of Daystar University’s Sing Africa Alumni. 
Sing Africa has been in ministry since 1996 under the umbrella of Daystar University Christian Fellowship Ministries, with the vision to bring hope in Jesus to Africa. As Sing Africa members have graduated from Daystar University, they have carried the vision with them wherever they have spread. Over the years, some Sing Africa Alumni have continued to seek God concerning what He wants to do in this nation and across the continent. 
In 2004 God directed Sing Africa alumni to fulfilling this call for Kenya to be a cradle of prayer for the nations. In obedience, they began an annual interdenominational Night of Worship through which they would all intercede for Africa. The desire is to fulfill this call with friends, fellow believers and churches from Nairobi and the rest of Kenya, who have a desire to see God glorified.

The Event is led by a strong talented music team comprising of singers and instrumentalists drawn from different Christian denominations and churches spread across Nairobi and its environs. The music team leads the congregation through a night of gospel praise and worship.

The talented music team, together with an able team of logistics personnel plan work hand in hand to stage an annual world class event!
The AFLEWO Event aims at involving the entire Christian community in any given AFLEWO town in a night of Christian worship and thus our participants have typically included young, middle-aged and senior-adults.

21 Sept 2012


Kisima Music Awards has come to be recognized as the equivalent of other international awards much similar as it is done for MTV Awards, KORA Awards, Channel O Awards nominees and winners.

This years Awards are set to be held on the 28th of September 2012 at the Kenyatta International Conference Center and organizers have announced that they are accepting nominations from artistes in East Africa who have recently released music.

Kisima Music Awards was set up in 1994 to acknowledge and reward excellence achievement across board, and has come a long way to the turning point in 2003 when the efforts of growth were fully targeted at music, thus defining a people and a culture.

Last years Awards (9th Kisima Awards  2011) were held at at the KICC  saw various Gospel artistes awarded and they were MOG and Mr Seed won the Collaboration of the Year award. Mbuvi was voted the Best Benga Artiste while BMF scooped the Most Promising Artiste/Group award

Gospel artist Juliani seized the evening bagging Ksh1 Million for the Kenya's Artiste of the Year. The artist was born and raised in Nairobi’s Dandora estate which is one of the poorest neighborhoods in Nairobi. He promised to donate part of the cash to a youth project that seeks to train and equip young people with information on issues affecting them.

Juliani beat out competitors Sauti Soul, P Unit, Kidum, Maddtrax and Jaguar. The former member of Ukoo Flani group won in all the three categories he was nominated in: Best Gospel Artiste and Hip Hop Artiste for his hit song Bahasha ya Ocampo. The song also won Homeboyz Studio’s Producer of the Year award.

This year’s awards, christened the Making of Legends, was marked with the announcement that the top winner will walk away with a cool Sh2million.

The deadline for submission was on the 7th. Here is how artistes were to register for this years even.
1. A song / Album released between 1st April 2011 – 1st April 2012
2. Resident of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zanzibar , Southern Sudan or originally from the mention countries though residing
in another part of the world.
3. Music has its origin and instrumentation from the greater Africa region though the artiste is from outside the mention countries.
4. Entry Form duly filled in all sections accompanied with music audio or music video in the format recommended i.e. CD/Cassette of Song/
Album. Music Video in DVD, VCD or DV Tape format.

6 Sept 2012


The only way we can be relevant to our Generation/this generation is by doing what GOD called us to do and not doing what we perseve to be relevant now. I believe theres no other way we can impact our generation other than being what GOD called us to be.

Its not about what is trendy or what is the inthing right now,NO!. Nothing is irrelevant because it has been in existence for along time/oldskool.

Kama wewe ni mwalimu then thats where ua influential/relevant to this Generation.  Ikiwa wewe ni Mwandishi then thats where you have an influence and its where you are relevant.

The reason we are in this Generation n not the previous or the next one its because God desires of us to live in accordance with what he created us to be.

The moment we want to pull crowds there begins the downfall of our ministry. So brothers n sisters,ni wapi umeitwa uhudumu,that is where u will/shall be relevant.

27 Aug 2012


"We bring you more than a song,for a song in itself is not what you require". These are words from the song heart of worship that best describe the event that went down on Sunday 26th august 2012 at seekers after God Ministries,Nairobi.

Holiness,Repentance and Righteousness was the call to both the young and the old. The event brought with it a worship experience that led to some soul searching and reflection in the hearts and mind of the attendants.

Performances by various artistes blessed everyone present. The Speaking To our Generation praise n worship team led the congregation in a wonderful praise moment. Anne Wangari also blessed the lord with her wonderful voice.

Ogutu and the team,Anne and Seekers After God Ministries Praise n Worship team did a wonderful job in letting the Lord use them mightily.

To get pictures of how the event went down visit Seekers After God Ministries at Facebook

26 Aug 2012


The month of August has really been an eventful month since it has been characterized with so many Gospel events.  Monday the 27th August 2012 to Sunday the 2nd September 2012 is also one eventful week which is purely revival.

Fellowship, worship, praise and prayers will be the main agenda at Power revival centre Soweto within sheep care school behind PEFA Soweto Church from 2.00pm-6.00pm.

The activities during this revival meeting shall be Prayers, praise fellowship, discussions, film viewing, Word and celebration of gifts and talents. The theme is allowing the wind of the Holy Spirit. John 3:8

The event is organized by Speaking To Our Generation (S.T.O.G) team whi ch is an interdenominational group led by Pastor Anthony Njoroge and consists of youths from various churches from eastlands.

STOG’S vision is to raise a generation: faithfully and relevant serving in its generation as envisioned in 1 peter 2:9.  But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for possession, so that you might speak of the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light while

Their mission is to mobilize youth from different denominations for a complete in- reach and a holistic outreach. While been fully faithful to God. Psalm 154:4 One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts.

“We are here to celebrate the unity of the body of Christ. To appreciate that our different denomination are indeed the different parts of the complete body of Christ. In STOG we don’t believe there are big fish churches and small fish churches but as we meet we gather as one body even that of Christ”, Said Pastor Antony Njoroge in an official opening statement at S.T.O.G launch and commissioning.

For more information keep in touch and visit STOG FACEBOOK PAGE.

22 Aug 2012


A fresh wave of revival is in the air and what a better way to get in the presence of the almighty through Praise and Worship experience.

The place to be is at the feet of Jesus this coming Sunday 26th August 2012 @ Seekers After God Ministries Nairobi.

The event will be led by the S.A.G.M Nairobi Praise n Worship Team.

Lets get back to the Heart of Worship

19 Aug 2012


This years Mwafaka Awards 2012 have been a success and has seen various artistes scoop various awards in different categories. The event which was held at Charter hall way Nairobi brought with it a moment of celebration and an opportunity to appreciate those who have made a difference in the society though barely recognized.

The event which started in Kasarani then to Eastlands has now gone national and its purely to celebrate Christians who have made us proud. The founder and organizer of this prestigious event is Mr.Aaron Didiero.

The following are the winners of Mwafaka 2012

Male artist of the year -Ole Willy.
Female Artist of the year - Gloria Muliro
Song of the year VIDEO -Sitolia by Willy Paul and Gloria Muliro
Video of the year - Kofi yoo by Masterpiece feat DK & Cabassa
Dj of the year - DJ Tabbz
Most promising artist - Fidel Atondola.
Band of the year -LBDS Band.
Radio show of the year -GNL(Ghetto Radio ).
Kikwetu song -Magilani Yesu by Maryanne Tutuma
Group of the year -Kelele Takatifu.
Dance group of the year - Altarmin Dancers.
Collabo of the year -Sitolia by Willy Paul and Gloria Muliro.
Producer of the year -Jacky B.
TV show of the year -Angaza (KBC ).
Radio Presenter of the year -Evelyn (MILELE FM )......

For more details visit the  Mwafaka awards fanpage.

15 Aug 2012


Get access to uwezowakipaji.blogspot.com  through your smart phone or tablet and don't miss the highlights of various Gospel events and informative journals wherever,whenever.

For any upcoming Gospel Events send your Press release to uwezowakipaji@gmail.com and we shall post it here on our Blog.

You can also like the Facebook page www.facebook.com/uwezowakipaji.  


Sunday the 12th August 2012 ushered in a new era in the Gospel music industry as the HATIMA CD ALBUM  was launched by Mr Kell a gospel minister/psalmist. The event which was held at Seekers after GOD ministries Nairobi branch brought together various Gospel artists and fan alike from Nairobi.

The event was characterized by a chain of performances from the invited Guest psalmists such as Moses Okumu,Christopher Mwangi,Faith Mwikali,Peninah Mutunga,Ameskia,Seekers After God Ministries praise and worship team.

The preacher at the event was none other than Seekers After God Ministries visionary and founder Pastor Samson Otieno who in his sermon termed the Album to be a symbolic utterance from expectation to manifestation. He went on to encourage the congregation not to give up on their dreams in life. Pastor Samson described how at the time of expectancy one seems to loose shape,doesn't seem approachable and at times becomes a burden to those around them thus loosing shape.

Manifestation is when the expectation is over and its at this time when jubilation and joy becomes the portion of everyone going through this stage. This was the prophetic message released to the congregation present and coincides with the release of the HATIMA ALBUM.

Hatima is Swahili for destiny,the Album is comprised of 8 tracks and they are Tusemezane,Kenya,Usiogope,Hatima,Nakuinua,Uhimidiwe,Uniokoe,Alpha and Omega. Rhumba is the main tune in the tracks which are well produced.

Papa Tarumbeta is the main man behind the production of the album at Dinarmax Production. for more information on how to get a copy of the Album contact Mr Kell on Tel No.0724 273 655/0787 729 699 or on Facebook Mr Kell Haijalishi.

1 Aug 2012


Ladies n Gentlemen it is with great pleasure to announce the launch of HATIMA CD ALBUM by a talented and annointed psalmist in the Gospel Music Industry and that is non other than Mr Kell.

The venue will be at Seekers After GOD Ministriy Church Hall on the 12th Aug,2012 @ 2.00pm. location is at Umoja2 along Manyanja road near Bee centre,entry fee is 100bob ADULTS,50bob CHILDREN.

See you there.

NAMES OF GOD--Father, Son, Holy Spirit