When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required. Luke 12:48


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10 Nov 2011


Whatever ua dreams in life its always important to know that u should always take the first step no matter how little they may seem.

At times we realize our dreams not because we have financial capabilities or friends/family support but because we took the first step.

In life we realize we can walk all because of the first step.At first we take it as we stumble and fall but its that first step (baby steps) that gives not only the baby so much joy for the new experience but also friends n family alike.

Its either you start walking or you remain seated for the better part of your life. Take that step and you will surely cover so many miles

28 Oct 2011


Train up a child in the way he should go,Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs22:6

The children ministry is indeed one of the vital part of evangelism that makes a great impact in the society today. The child is easy to present the gospel to since he/she is keen on what they are presented with.

The little ones are like a fertile ground and through them the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST is well spread/planted. Alot of people tend to neglect the ministry of children thinking that the little ones dont need the word of GOD in their lives but the truth of the matter is like the adults they too are called into all the world and preach the Gospel.

In the bible the children played a vital role in the spreading of the Gospel putting in mind that GOD is no respector of person,he can use anyone or anything to glorify his HOLY name.